WyoPoets Constitution & By-Laws, adopted April 27, 2019
Article I: Name
This non-profit organization will hereafter be known as WyoPoets. It is the Wyoming Branch of the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS).
Article II: Purpose
WyoPoets is an organization of persons who write poetry for publication or as a hobby, and it provides a base for mutual help and inspiration by encouraging interest in this literary form throughout the State and by sponsoring workshops, poetry contests, and chapbooks.
Article III: Membership, Fiscal Year, and Dues
- WyoPoets has an open membership policy, and anyone may join by paying the annual dues assessment to the organization treasurer.
- The fiscal membership year of WyoPoets shall be from July 1 to June 30 to coincide with the fiscal year of the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS).
- Yearly dues shall be determined by a majority of the members voting at their annual meeting. Dues will be payable to the Treasurer at the beginning of the membership year. A portion of the dues paid to WyoPoets is forwarded to the NFSPS for each poet’s membership in that organization and for four issues of Strophes, the NFSPS newsletter.
Article IV: Officers and Duties
- The officers of WyoPoets shall be current members of the organization. The offices are President, Vice President (President-Elect), Secretary, and Treasurer.
1. To preside over meetings of the membership and of the Executive Board.
2. To appoint and dissolve committees and chairpersons as the need arises.
3. To serve as ex-officio member of all committees.
4. To communicate on a regular basis with the membership through the WyoPoets’ Newsletter.
5. To send a letter listing the WyoPoets voting delegates to the national convention of NFSPS and to appoint a chief delegate or to send a proxy to that meeting.
6. To insure that each new Board member receives a copy of the Constitution, By-laws, and Standing Rules.
7. To forward any changes in the Governing Documents to the NFSPS.
8. To serve as the official contact person for WyoPoets and to represent its interests in the best possible way at all times
C. The responsibilities of the Vice-President are:
1. To promote membership.
2. To serve as acting President when required.
3. To become familiar with all duties of the President and commit to a 3-year term: President- Elect, President, Past-President.
4. In an election year, be responsible for publishing vacancies, securing nominations, and conducting elections at the annual meeting.
5. To coordinate all mail ballots.
D. The responsibilities of the Secretary are:
1. To keep accurate minutes of all meetings.
2. To correspond with members and other organizations as needed.
E. The responsibilities of the Treasurer are:
1. To collect all dues and special assessments.
2. To pay bills as authorized by the Executive Board.
3. To maintain a record of all financial transactions.
4. To provide current membership lists to the NFSPS and to the Executive Board.
5. To submit an itemized financial summary at the annual WyoPoets business meeting.
6. To provide interim financial reports to the Executive Board when requested.
7. To issue membership cards to members in good standing.
F. The responsibilities of the Historian are:
1. To collect and preserve organizational documents.
2. To keep a scrapbook on items associated with members' activities.
Article V. Elections and Terms of Office
A. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority of those voting at the annual business meeting.
B. Officers shall serve terms of two years with the exceptions:
1. Vice-President serves a 3-year term: President-Elect / President / Past President.
2. The Treasurer shall assume duties with elections falling in even years.
3. The Secretary shall assume duties with elections falling in odd years.
C. The Executive Board shall appoint offers to fill vacancies in unexpired terms.
Article VI. Executive Board
A. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the immediate past President.
B. The Executive Board shall serve as the Governing Body of WyoPoets and have control of organization property, funds, records, and functions. It shall perform all duties necessary for the good of the organization and shall maintain compliance with NFSPS Constitution.
C. The Executive Board members shall be reimbursed for the normal expenses incurred in the performance of their duties on behalf of WyoPoets.
Article VII: Meetings
WyoPoets will hold one general meeting each year. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board as needed.
Article VIII: National Poetry Day
WyoPoets will encourage members to observe National Poetry Day on October 15th of each year in joint or individual activities that promote appreciation of this literary art form in the state of Wyoming. The same encouragement will be given to observe April as National Poetry Month each year in joint or individual activities.
Article IX: Dissolution
If it becomes necessary for WyoPoets to dissolve, upon dissolution and after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the organization, the WyoPoets Executive Board shall entrust any remaining funds to a Wyoming 501(c)3 non-profit or Wyoming governmental entity in good standing as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service to further the reading, writing, and enjoyment of poetry in the state of Wyoming.
Article X: Amendments
The WyoPoets Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by resolution of the Executive Board and ratification by a two-thirds majority of the general membership voting. Balloting may be at the annual meeting or by mail or email. The Secretary will provided amended documents to all members and NFSPS.
Adopted April 27, 2019