WyoPoets Chapbook Contest 2023
Submissions for the 2023 Chapbook are now Closed.
Please read all guidelines carefully. Entries that do not conform to guidelines may be disqualified.
Only WyoPoets members are eligible to enter with only the member’s original unpublished work.
You may join WyoPoets at the time of submission.
See https://www .wyopoets.org/join.html to join online by 11:59 p.m. August 31, 2023, or by mail postmarked no later than August 31, 2023.
Theme: Upon the Wind
Each submission (maximum three poems) emailed to [email protected] as a Word or
Word-compatible attachment.
Include WYOPOETS 2024 CHAPBOOK and author’s last name and first initial in subject line.
Include author’s last name and first initial in file name.
Send full entry with cover sheet and bio as a SINGLE FILE, not as multiple files.
Include in file:
1. A cover page with the poet’s name, address, and e-mail address. The cover page lists the titles of the poems
2. One poem per page in duplicate copies. One copy identifying the author, the second anonymous. Single
space all poems.
3. On a separate page include a short biography of the poet ( 50 words or less ).
Retain copies of submitted work. Authors of poems selected will be notified by mid-October, 2023 . After
publication all rights to poems included in the chapbook will revert to the author.
Titles: All poems except haiku must be titled.
Typeface: Times New Roman
Type Size: 12-point font
Length: Maximum 36 lines including all spaces (after the title and between stanzas). For prose poems,
maximum 250 words.
Line Length: 60 characters (including spaces).
Fee: None Poets included will be awarded one free chapbook.
Submit poems to: Susan Mark, [email protected], as a Word or Word-compatible attachment.
Do not send poems in the body of your email.
Include WYOPOETS 2024 CHAPBOOK and author’s last name and first initial in subject line.
Include author’s last name and first initial in file name.
Send full entry as a SINGLE FILE, not as multiple files.
Entries that do not follow all guidelines may be disqualified.
You may join WyoPoets for $20 , and submit to the chapbook simultaneously
Please see https://www.wyopoets.org/join.html.
All online registrations must be completed by 11:59 p.m. August 31, 2023,
and all mailed registrations must be postmarked by that date.
2020 Chapbook: Watershed
Our WyoPoets members-only chapbook, Watershed, is now available for purchase, as are limited quantities of older chapbooks.
Learn more and find ordering information here. Our next chapbook will be published in 2024. |