awards for excellence
Add Mike Shay to the Excellence Awards with same date as WAC.
Nancy Curtis, June 6, 2009
The best I can see from my list of Excellence Awards is that these are the ones who received them. These were my idea after I became president in 2006 (my last stint at this position), and some have borne my name and some have had Abbie Taylor's name as president.
The intent is to recognize members and non-members for service and achievement. Special attention has been given to individuals and organizations who have been of service to or involved with WyoPoets.
The inaugural (I don't get to use that word much.) was Eugene V. Shea who served as our National Poetry Contest chair for many, many years, who has been widely published, and who has furthered more poetry than many of us can imagine. Emily and I made a special trip to his house to deliver the certificate and to share some time with Dixie, his wife, and him. We were going somewhere else and made the timing work. It was important to give the first one to someone of his stature. Putting all this on the Web is probably not the best idea since it makes everyone else look like chopped liver.
Although no formal nomination process exists, I ask people to write a nomination letter (or email) since I need material with which to work, i.e. figure out what to put on the certificate. As a good poet, I shun adjectives and adverbs. Very, very and really, really don't work. I think I have a filter that bans these in my computer.
I've emailed Nancy Curtis to ask if I gave her one of these since surely I did but I can't find it in my computer.
We have two more that I'll be giving shortly.
The college and Kathy Beartusk printed our newsletters for a long time when Chris was newsletter editor. Laurie Jameson was our workshop presenter one year (among other achievements in her life). Just FYI.
Eugene V. Shea, January 15, 2007
Christine Valentine, February 16, 2008
Wyoming Arts Council, February 19, 2008
A. Rose Hill, March 15, 2008
Nancy K. Gerlock, April 18, 2008
Chief Dull Knife College, May 6, 2008
Kathy Beartusk, May 6, 2008
Katie Smith, June 6, 2008
Abbie Taylor, April 25, 2009
Lee Ann Siebken, April 24, 2010
Mary Hein, April 24, 2010
Laurie Jameson, April 24, 2010
Patricia Midge Farmer, September 18, 2010
Aaron E. Holst, April 23, 2011
Tom Glasco, June 4, 2011
Arthur Elser, April 18, 2015
Susan Vittitow Mark, April 18, 2015
Nancy Ruskowsky, April 18, 2015
Echo Klaproth, April 18, 2015
Nancy Curtis, June 6, 2009
The best I can see from my list of Excellence Awards is that these are the ones who received them. These were my idea after I became president in 2006 (my last stint at this position), and some have borne my name and some have had Abbie Taylor's name as president.
The intent is to recognize members and non-members for service and achievement. Special attention has been given to individuals and organizations who have been of service to or involved with WyoPoets.
The inaugural (I don't get to use that word much.) was Eugene V. Shea who served as our National Poetry Contest chair for many, many years, who has been widely published, and who has furthered more poetry than many of us can imagine. Emily and I made a special trip to his house to deliver the certificate and to share some time with Dixie, his wife, and him. We were going somewhere else and made the timing work. It was important to give the first one to someone of his stature. Putting all this on the Web is probably not the best idea since it makes everyone else look like chopped liver.
Although no formal nomination process exists, I ask people to write a nomination letter (or email) since I need material with which to work, i.e. figure out what to put on the certificate. As a good poet, I shun adjectives and adverbs. Very, very and really, really don't work. I think I have a filter that bans these in my computer.
I've emailed Nancy Curtis to ask if I gave her one of these since surely I did but I can't find it in my computer.
We have two more that I'll be giving shortly.
The college and Kathy Beartusk printed our newsletters for a long time when Chris was newsletter editor. Laurie Jameson was our workshop presenter one year (among other achievements in her life). Just FYI.
Eugene V. Shea, January 15, 2007
Christine Valentine, February 16, 2008
Wyoming Arts Council, February 19, 2008
A. Rose Hill, March 15, 2008
Nancy K. Gerlock, April 18, 2008
Chief Dull Knife College, May 6, 2008
Kathy Beartusk, May 6, 2008
Katie Smith, June 6, 2008
Abbie Taylor, April 25, 2009
Lee Ann Siebken, April 24, 2010
Mary Hein, April 24, 2010
Laurie Jameson, April 24, 2010
Patricia Midge Farmer, September 18, 2010
Aaron E. Holst, April 23, 2011
Tom Glasco, June 4, 2011
Arthur Elser, April 18, 2015
Susan Vittitow Mark, April 18, 2015
Nancy Ruskowsky, April 18, 2015
Echo Klaproth, April 18, 2015