Greetings WyoPoets! It's nearly that time of year again, when submissions will be open for the 2023 Eugene V Shea National Contest. Nicholas Trandahl, the Contest Chair will be choosing unique and diverse judges for this year. Please be sure to visit the "Contests" tab for a full list of submission guidelines, prizes, and the deadlines. 2023 Members Only Contest is coming in January The WyoPoets Members-Only Contest will open on January 1st. Keep an eye on our website for deadlines and submission guidelines. More information will be included in the January newsletter.
From the Office of Wyoming Governor Matt Mead:
Governor Matt Mead held a news conference July 9 to sign an Executive Order appointing A. Rose Hill of Sheridan as Wyoming’s new Poet Laureate. Mrs. Hill is the seventh Poet Laureate in state history. “Rose is an exceptional writer. She writes poems that remind us how beautiful poetry is and that make us want to hear more. Devoted to her family and community, she has taken time to share her talent in classrooms, public readings and workshops,” said Governor Mead. Hill graduated from Sheridan High School and Sheridan College with a degree in accounting. Her writing has appeared in Serendipity magazine, in Emerging Voices published by Western Nebraska Community College, and in numerous publications featuring Wyoming poets and writers. “I am so honored and humbled to be in the company of the tall Poets Laureate who came before me,” said Mrs. Hill. “I want to thank my family for being here with me and supporting me. I’m really looking forward to this!” “Rose is the third Poet Laureate during my time in office,” continued Mead. “Knowing that Wyoming has many talented poets, I early on decided to give more than one person the opportunity to serve in this important capacity. Rose follows Echo Klaproth and Pat Frolander and I thank all three for giving us the gift of their time and talent.” See our feature on Rose Hill Download the brochure! Help us promote the workshop. Download and print the poster to post around your town. All WyoPoets members in good standing are eligible to enter. If you are not currently a member, you may join with your contest entry. Not sure if your membership is current? Contact WyoPoets Treasurer Art Elser.
Download printable guidelines Deadline has been extended until Dec. 31, 2014
The Wyoming Poets organization is sponsoring its annual nationwide poetry contest. The contest judge will be announced at a later date.. WHO – Contest is open to all poets worldwide, however, submissions must be in the English language and fees in U.S. funds. Prizes will be awarded in U.S. currency. WHAT – Poems, published or unpublished. Any subject, any form, 40 lines or less (including title and line breaks. All poems must be original work of entrant. No pornography, racial or sexual slurs, or language considered obscene by average broad-minded reader. DEADLINE – WYOPOETS NATIONAL CONTEST opens October 1, 2014 and the deadline is December 31, 2014. PRIZES – First -- $100.00. Second - $50.00. Third - $30.00. Fourth - $20.00. Up to five Honorable Mentions will be awarded FEES -- $3.00 entry fee, plus $1.00 per poem. No maximum number of entries. (Exa: 3 poems for $6.00, 5 poems for $8.00) Checks and money orders must be made out to WyoPoets. REQUIREMENTS -- Poems, except for Oriental forms, must be titled. Poems must be typed or computer generated, in English, on 8-1/2 by 11” white paper, or similar computer paper. At least 10 point, preferably 12 point or larger font. No more than one poem on a page. Single or double-spaced. One side of the paper only. Photocopies okay if clear and legible. Submit two copies of each poem, one copy for the judge with no identification on it. On the other copy, show your name, mailing address, and phone numbers in the upper right hand corner of the front side. No limit on number of entries. No electronic submissions. No one poet can win more than one monetary prize, but can win additional Honorable Mentions. Include SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) for winners list to be mailed by April 1, 2015. SUBMITTING – Send both copies of poems submitted together with entry fee, to: Nancy Ruskowsky, Contest Chair 331 Road 6RT Cody, WY 82414 For additional info and questions email [email protected]. Final judging will be by a qualified out-of-state judge not affiliated with WyoPoets. Decisions of the judge will be final. The Contest Chair will not enter this contest. Winners will be invited to read their winning poems at the WyoPoets spring workshop April 17-18 in Casper. RIGHTS – Winning poems may be published in our spring newsletter ONLY with the poet’s written permission. All rights remain with the poet. Be sure to keep copies of your entries as poems will NOT be returned. All copies of the poems will be destroyed after the spring workshop. DOWNLOAD THE CONTEST FLIER ![]() The July 2014 WyoPoets newsletter is now posted on the website on our Newsletter page. Not a WyoPoets member? If you join, you will receive the newsletter in your mailbox, plus the Strophes newsletter from the National Federation of State Poetry Societies, as a membership benefit. Join today! The next deadline to submit items for the October newsletter is September 25. WyoPoets members may send news and poems to Echo Roy Klaproth. Wyoming Writers announced its annual contest award winners on June 7. Awards categories were Traditional Poetry, Free Verse Poetry, Short and Sweet, Children's/Juvenile Fiction, Nonfiction and Fiction.
Winners of the Traditional Poetry section: (28 entries)
Winners of the Free Verse Poetry section: (56 entries)
Carol Hamilton, Midwest City, Oklahoma judged the poetry category. She is a former elementary school teacher in Connecticut, Indiana and Oklahoma, the last twelve years in an elementary school for gifted children. She taught in the English Department at Rose State College and on the graduate faculty of the writing program at the University of Central Oklahoma. She received her Distinguished Alumni Award in 2007. As a writer, she has won a Southwest Book Award, an Oklahoma Book Award, Cherubim Award, Pegasus Award, Chiron Review Chapbook Award, David Ray Poetry Prize, the Byline Literary Awards for both short story and poetry, and the Warren Keith Poetry Prize. She has published 16 books of poetry, legends, and children’s novels, and publishes poetry, short stories and articles in magazines and journals including The Christian Science Monitor, New York, Quarterly, Poet Lore, Atlanta Review, and others. She is a former Poet Laureate of Oklahoma and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize five times. See the award winners for all categories on the Wyoming Wr Thanks go out to Gayle Irwin for the great article! Read it here.
![]() It's here! Download the WyoPoets Workshop brochure for the registration form and all the details. The 2014 Annual WyoPoets Workshop in Casper will be held April 18-19. We will have Wyoming Poet Laureate Echo Klaproth as workshop leader. A block of rooms is available at the Hampton Inn for $89.00 per night (plus tax). Call 307-235-6668 and say that you are with WyoPoets. The room rate is good only for the night of Friday, April 18. The registration fee for the workshop is $50 until April 8th; after that the fee will be $55. As usual the fee does include your lunch. Don't forget the Friday night poetry reading and launch of the new WyoPoets chapbook, Weather Watch: Poems of Wyoming. The event takes place from 6-8 p.m. on April 18 at the Metro Coffee Company, 241 S. David, Casper. |